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Teacher Training 202223 Ashtanga Yoga Montreal (1).png


Jeanne Mudie & Michael Bridge-Dickson

with guest professors Terri McCollum, Sonia Osorio, Tony Eng, & Xavier Therrien





200 hour Yoga Alliance Certified

 Learn with the mind. Teach from the heart. 



Start teaching on day 1. 

You’re here to learn to teach. The AYTT seamlessly integrates teaching and learning so you acquire yoga knowledge as well as teaching skills and from the very start. 


For those that are curious and serious yoga enthusiasts of all body types, ages and backgrounds, who are inspired to teach or want to take their own practice to another level. For your personal development and to acquire all the prerequisites to becoming a certified and qualified yoga teacher.  


200 hours of intensive learning, training and practice over: 

7 weekends 

7 workshops 


September 2023 to April  2024 


AYM studios in downtown Montréal 


Online on Zoom, live and recorded classes 




(in-studio only)

Online $2450

In-Studio $3400






Yoga Alliance certified, this improved program meets YA’s forthcoming Elevated Standards, which recognize that current minimum standards leave some teachers feeling like they aren’t ready to teach (even when they are!). Our improved program goes beyond the current minimums to develop teachers that are confident, creative, & skillful, while also being safe, caring, & compassionate. 

AYM’s YTT is also accredited by Employment and Social Development Canada and Revenue Quebec (tax receipts available). Because this is seen as vocational training, we will be able to meet in person in case of another shutdown. 



First and foremost, a willingness and openness to learn. More specifically, the ability and desire to invest in an engaged practice, while questioning their ideas and visions yoga & yoga practice. 


It is recommended to have at least 2 years of diligent asana practice, and some experience with meditation or other forms of self-inquiry. 

Those with less experience in yoga are invited to communicate with our program directors to discuss whether the program will benefit you and if so, how to make the most of your experience. 



The training is offered mainly in English, but basic bilingualism is recommended. Participants are welcome to submit homework, teaching assignments, and participate in teaching exercises in French or English, and we encourage all participants to become moderately comfortable giving and receiving basic instruction in both languages.



We’re excited to present AYM’s newly restructured Teacher Training!

Learn to teach safely with skill, confidence, compassion, and creativity.


Available online and in-person, all sessions are recorded and available to all participants through the duration of the program — allowing flexibility within your schedule.


Weekend schedule: Thursday and Fridays 6-8:30 pm, Saturday and Sunday 8- 4 pm


Weekend 1: September 28- October 1st

                  Basics, Course Intro, & Anatomy

Weekend 2: October 26- October 29th

                   Breath, Nervous System, & Practical Intro to Meditation 

Weekend 3: November 23- November 26th

                  Sequencing & Teaching Methodology

Weekend 4: January 25-January 28

                  Yoga History & Philosophy

Weekend 5: February 22-February 25

                  Finding your Path, Business & Ethics of Yoga

Weekend 6: March 21-March 24 

                  Preparing Classes & Applied Teaching

Weekend 7:April 25- April 28

                  Restorative Yoga, Props, & Adaptation




Workshops: Saturdays 2-5 pm


September 23rd : Standing Poses (Jeanne)
October 21st : Backbends (MBD)
November 18th : Twists & Forward Bends (Jeanne)
January  20th: Inversions (MBD)
February 17th : Yama, Niyama, & the 8-Limb Path (Sonia)
March 16th : Ashtanga Yoga (Terri)
April 20th : Pranayama (MBD)

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