We’re excited to present AYM’s newly restructured Teacher Training!
Learn to teach safely with skill, confidence, compassion, and creativity.
Available online and in-person, all sessions are recorded and available to all participants through the duration of the program — allowing flexibility within your schedule.
Learn, Do, Teach!
Every Thursday & Friday of the 7 weekends, participants will learn, practice, and then teach each pose in our curriculum. Beginning with the most fundamental poses and progressing to more sophisticated poses, this approach helps participants learn the curriculum, while becoming comfortable using their voice to incrementally develop confidence and skill in teaching and practice.
Weekend 1: September 26- September 29
Basics, Course Intro, & Anatomy
This first weekend, we will take a practical look at functional anatomy through the lens of teaching yoga, with a focus on muscle and joint structure, stretch reflex & physiology, and primary physical risk factors. The body’s major systems and structures — as well as skills for landmarking and identifying them — will be covered. We will also explore joint range of motion and experiential mobility exercises.
This weekend also includes a brief course intro & overview, beginning with the first two Learn, Do, Teach! sessions with the course directors, Jeanne & Michael.
Weekend 2: October 24- October 27th
Breath, Nervous System, & Practical Intro to Meditation
Building upon the anatomy weekend, this weekend will focus on learning about the nervous system — its structure & functions, how the breath and nervous system are intertwined, and different ways to affect the nervous system, from simple (but effective) positioning, to basic breath work, to meditation techniques.
Tony Eng offers his perspective as a craniosacral therapist on the function, anatomy, and practical self-manipulations. He will explore polyvagal theory and sympathetic/parasympathetic shift.
We will then present some breath and meditation explorations, along with discussions on how deeply the nervous system affects our daily lives, asana practice, and classroom dynamics when teaching.
Weekend 3: November 28- December 1st
Sequencing & Teaching Methodology
With several Learn, Do, Teach! sessions completed, participants will have some basic understanding of how to deliver instructions. This weekend, we will look at how to categorize poses and the principles of sequencing based on those categories. From there, we will explore how to regress or progress poses based on their principle actions, and how to structure a beginner’s class. We will also further refine and discuss teaching methodology in general.
Weekend 4: January 30- February 2nd
Yoga History & Philosophy
Knowing yoga’s history & its philosophies is integral to understanding modern yoga’s place and direction. Terri McCollum skillfully and passionately presents this context in ways relevant to the modern yogi — making history relevant and philosophy engaging! Terri will also introduce yogic anatomy: aspects of the subtle body, and teach an asana class based on the subtle body so that participants can experience the richness of this tradition beyond academic theory & discussion. The material introduces Sanskrit terms that may be new and unfamiliar, so we will also discuss Sanskrit, important terms & asana names, mnemonics to help remember some of those names, and chanting as the vibrational element of Sanskrit.
Weekend 5: February 27- March 2
Finding your Path, Business & Ethics of Yoga
By this point in the program, participants have been presented with many facets of yoga, different approaches, and learned how to instruct several poses. Sometimes this can seem overwhelming! This weekend aims to help participants navigate the vastness that yoga can encompass, and focus in on areas where participants may want to their personal approach. The weekend also discusses touch, ethics, & business — individually and their intersection within teaching as a career, along with some of the practical realities teachers face within the profession.
Weekend 6: March 27-March 30
Preparing Classes & Applied Teaching
Putting together much of what we have learned, this weekend will further build upon the teaching skills developed through the Learn, Do, Teach! approach, where participants will begin to teach small sequences and other manageable challenges that strengthen their teaching and language skills. This weekend is an important stepping-stone toward teaching full classes!
Weekend 7: May 1- May 4th
Restorative Yoga, Props, & Adaptation
Having learned about the nervous system, breath, active asana practice, and modifications, we finally explore Restorative Yoga. This weekend is a deep dive into Restorative Yoga, covering the benefits & risks of supported, long-held poses. We will learn some “standard” Restorative poses, as well as how to adapt poses into Restorative ones with props — including when to use which props when and why, & what effects different props or propping methods have. We will also explore when and why to use Restorative yoga at all, and how to incorporate Restorative yoga into other practices.
September 21st : Standing Poses
October 19th : Backbends
November 23rd : Twists & Forward Bends
January 25th : Inversions
February 22nd : Yama, Niyama, & the 8-Limb Path
March 22nd : Ashtanga Yoga
April 26th : Pranayama
What’s new for 2024/25?
At AYM, we’re always learning from our experiences and looking for better ways to foster the learning/teaching development process — which includes nurturing the skills needed to grow a fulfilling, successful teaching career.
As a result, we’ve incorporated our experience as teachers and from previous teacher trainings to present a program that builds a strong foundation for new teachers to present safe and adaptable classes, based on principles that are applicable to nearly any style or level of practice.
Participants will begin teaching from day one, initiating the cyclical process of learning, doing, teaching, and then learning more and repeating the cycle so that teaching and learning are integrated throughout your experience in the program and beyond.
YA certified, this improved program meets Yoga Alliance’s forthcoming Elevated Standards, which recognize that current minimum standards leave some teachers feeling like they aren’t ready to teach (even when they are!). Our improved program goes beyond the current minimums to develop teachers that are confident, creative, & skillful, while also being safe, caring, & compassionate.
AYM’s YTT is also accredited by Employment and Social Development Canada and Revenue Quebec (tax receipts available). Because this is seen as a vocational training we will be able to meet in person in case of another shutdown.
Who it is for?
Yoga practitioners who would like to become teachers
Yoga practitioners looking to deepen their personal practice
Yoga Teachers interested in refining their current skills
Teachers in other fields looking to incorporate yoga into their current teaching practice
AYM’s 200hr Yoga Teacher Training is open to anyone with a regular yoga practice or similar physical/movement practice, especially for those who wish to start a career as a yoga teacher.
Our pedagogical and content approach is built on an understanding of the similarities and differences between several styles and approaches to yoga practice, where a common thread is awakening the body’s innate intelligence through natural breath, functional anatomy, and internal experience. Here, we question with curiosity your own body's alignment, and with that understanding, be inspired to share.
This program is a wonderful opportunity to develop and deepen your personal yoga practice — investigating layers of yoga’s practice, principles, and applications that are beyond the scope of standard group yoga classes. These aspects are crucial for teachers to understand when planning and leading their classes, but are also beneficial to those who simply love yoga and enjoy learning about the yogic process.
That said, this program uniquely emphasizes teaching, right from the first day. We will explore a repertoire of poses that span each pose family, and we will investigate modifications, alternatives, progressions and regressions, sequencing, and how to assess what you see to adapt to the individuals you are teaching. These skills also include effective language and instruction, demonstration, and adjustments — all with safety and personal/individual experience foremost.
Because of this unique integration of practical teaching throughout, rather than prioritizing content first and application later, AYM’s YTT is also ideal for teachers outside the yoga realm to learn how to incorporate yoga into other learning environments, as well as health, sport, and movement professionals who want to understand how yoga can be integrated into their respective disciplines.
The program is also a continuing education opportunity for current Yoga Teachers to revisit the fundamentals through a new lens, hone and refine technical skills, or explore the material in a deeper, more personal way.
Investing in your learning and development is a great gift to yourself, and we will do our best to bolster your voice in sharing that gift with others.
First and foremost, a willingness and openness to learn. More specifically, the ability and desire to invest in an engaged practice, while questioning their ideas and visions yoga & yoga practice.
It is recommended to have at least 2 years of diligent asana practice, and some experience with meditation or other forms of self-inquiry.
Those with less experience in yoga are invited to communicate with our program directors to discuss whether the program will benefit you and if so, how to make the most of your experience.
Language requirements:
The training is offered mainly in English, but basic bilingualism is recommended. Participants are welcome to submit homework, teaching assignments, and participate in teaching exercises in French or English, and we encourage all participants to become moderately comfortable giving and receiving basic instruction in both languages.
Included in the program:
Weekend sessions covering the major aspects of teaching and yoga — anatomy & physiology, philosophy, meditation, ethics, pedagogy, and of course, asana
Practice teaching exercises incorporated into each weekend, helping you grow increasingly comfortable with various teaching skills
All class recordings — rewatch, revisit, and recap at your convenience
7 in-depth workshops, focused on learning through practice
Monthly classes to integrate practice and see how principles learned in the program are applied in-studio (minimum 2 per month)
Unlimited ZOOM membership for all regularly scheduled studio classes
Homework assignments that help you explore & clarify what you’re learning
A manual & workbook designed to engage your learning process
Meet your teachers:
Jeanne Mudie & Michael Bridge-Dickson
with guest professors Terri McCollum, Tony Eng, & Sam Silversides