When we started on this strange journey a month ago, we were determined to stay connected with all of you through online classes. As the days went by and the classes accumulated online, some of you generous souls wanted to contribute. We set up a donation button and I can't tell you how grateful I am for your generosity. It goes a long way towards ensuring the survival of the studio.
Know that all of our teachers and I are thrilled that so many of you are watching and we really appreciate your presence. As long as this is our new reality, we will continue to provide a daily schedule of live classes, classes that then stay online so you can take them whenever you want. Please feel free to share our classes with your friends and families who might need a safe practice during these strange, strange times.
While this virus is forcing us to isolate, we are so blessed to have such an amazing community and we're very much looking forward to seeing you in person soon.
In the meantime, stay well, stay safe and stay connected.
Love Jeanne
If you are enjoying the online content we are able to provide and you are in a position to pay, we will be accepting it with gratitude.
75 min Energizing Flow with Karine
A fun flow to help the energy circulate, releasing the things that no longer serve you and creating space where fresh oxygen can go to nourish each corner of yourself.
Level 1/2
with Kate Markle
1h10min active practice to calm the nervous system and return our thoughts to the present moment. Focusing on the breath to help us gain more focus in our daily lives.
Props: 2 blocks, blanket.
Une classe avec Julien
Ce cours propose un enchaînement de mouvements et de postures qui a comme objectif général de mobiliser tout le corps avec une attention particulière sur la mobilité du dos. Il débute par des postures allongées sur le dos, suivi d’exercices à quadrupède pour se diriger vers le chien tête en bas. Par la suite, en plus de travailler le maintien du centre, une bonne partie du cours se fait debout pour renforcer le membre inférieur. La séquence se termine avec un renforcement de la chaîne postérieure dans des positions allongées sur le ventre pour ensuite se diriger vers la détente. Niveau intermédiaire
Happy Hips
with Jeanne Mudie
We look at rotations, hamstrings, and glutes.
1hr 15 Strap and 2 blocks
A restorative class for your back
with Jeanne Mudie
A restorative practice looking at the health of the spine. 1hr10 Bolster, strap, blanket, 2 blocks and a chair or support for the calves.